DJI Mic 2: Your Magic Wand of Sound, Unlocking Unlimited Creative Possibilities!


DJI DJI Mic 2 wireless microphone is like a music magician wearing a gorgeous new outfit. On January 17th, it finally unveiled its mysterious veil and officially showed its unparalleled charm to the world. This wizard not only has amazing magic skills but also has three major assets: high-quality sound, convenient operation and stable performance.


The microphone looks like a sparkling jewel, and the transmitter is available in transparent black or pearl white, like the starry sky at night and the dewdrops in the morning, so that every time you wear the microphone, it is as if you have a unique style. This musical wizard works its magic in a variety of scenarios. Whether it's a daily vlog recording, a flash of inspiration from a self-published media creator, a serious media interview, or even a lively e-commerce live broadcast, it can easily cope with the situation, making every sound flow like a clear spring, clear and touching.

Since DJI first launched its wireless microphone products in 2021, the music wizard has won the market's enthusiastic response with its outstanding performance. The DJI Mic 2 is like an upgraded version of this wizard, with comprehensive upgrades from exterior design to performance. Its audio function is like a precise magic wand, capable of capturing sound in an omnidirectional way, optimizing the sense of listening to the human voice, and making the human voice more reproducible. Whether it is a noisy scene of multi-person interviews or a noisy environment of outdoor shooting, it can effectively reduce the ambient noise with the newly added intelligent noise reduction function, just like a careful guardian, guarding the purity of every sound. Its stereo recording mode is like two silent dancers, you can record two audio sources at the same time, the audio of the two transmitters can be recorded on separate tracks or merged into a single track so that the multi-source recording and post-production has become more relaxed and hassle-free.


The DJI Mic 2 is not only a highly skilled music wizard, but it has also thoughtfully prepared a “safety backup” for users. Imagine a music wizard doing his magic on stage with a “magic shield” in his hand - a double guarantee of safe audio tracks. This “magic shield” works in a very clever way. On the main track, the Music Wizard wields its magic to the fullest, capturing every moving note. But just to be sure, it also records a backup track on top of the main track at a slightly lower volume (-6 dB), which acts as a protective shield for the main track. This backup track exists as an invisible guardian, ready to step in when the time comes. When the master track fails due to something unexpected, such as an overexposed volume, the backup track can be quickly patched in to ensure that the sound is not lost.

Even when faced with a large drop in volume, such as a drum performance where deafening drum beats are intertwined with wispy strings, the DJI Mic 2 can tune in with aplomb. It's like a seasoned conductor, able to navigate complex musical scenarios with ease, allowing every sound to be perfectly rendered.

This kind of uncompromising care and superb technology makes DJI Mic 2 the right-hand man for every content creator. Whether shooting vlogs, conducting media interviews, or live streaming e-commerce, it provides users with clear, stable, and high-quality audio effects, making creation easier, more efficient, and more exciting.

The debut of DJI Mic 2 seems like a mysterious gift in a well-planned magic feast, tailored only for those content creators who pursue perfection. It is like an omnipotent magical assistant, carrying the magic power to enhance the quality of creation, ready to unveil a whole new chapter of creation for creators.


This magical assistant possesses not only the magic of capturing delicate sounds but also the magical ability to simplify operations. When you hold the DJI Mic 2 in your hand, it's like holding a magic wand that can lead the winds of inspiration. Every click and every adjustment is as quick and precise as magic. The higher-quality recording and audio effects provided by DJI Mic 2 are like a coat of splendour for creative content. It makes every sound clear and recognizable, as crystal clear as crystal, making your work even more compelling to listen to.