Another you exist at the same time as you in another universe.


Parallel universes, sound like the plot of a fantasy movie, don't they? But imagine if the universe we live in is just the stage of a large theatre, then there are countless behind-the-scenes worlds quietly playing out behind that stage. They are like independent, fantasy-filled theatres, each with its script, actors and audience.


These theatres, which we call “parallel universes”, maybe at the same time, but in different spaces, play a very different story from ours. Sometimes I imagine them to be like a huge multi-dimensional scroll, with each universe being a separate frame on the scroll, independent of each other and not interfering with each other. The scenery, colours, and stories within each frame are unique, like the uniqueness of each planet and each life form in the universe. Imagine that in one of the frames, our Earth might not be a blue jewel, but a fiery red planet, and the life forms there are completely different. Perhaps they have developed civilizations and technologies that are very different from ours, and their history has taken a very different course than ours. Thoughts like these can't help but be exciting as if we are surrounded by doors to unknown worlds.

And quantum entanglement, the puzzling phenomenon of quantum mechanics, is like a hidden link between these parallel universes. Imagine two particles, although they are in different universes, can sense and influence each other as if they have a telepathic connection. This makes people wonder whether there is some kind of subtle connection between different universes. However, this kind of connection is not easy. Just like two people who use different computer languages trying to communicate, the exchange of information between different universes faces a huge obstacle. But this has not stopped scientists from exploring with enthusiasm. They have tried to depict the relationship between these parallel universes with various theoretical models, like explorers groping their way in the dark, constantly searching for the light that guides them forward.


When we delve into quantum mechanical phenomena in real life, it is as if we are exploring a microscopic world full of fantastical colours. Like the mysterious polymorphism of particles, before they are observed, they seem to travel between multiple parallel worlds at the same time, each of which is a state in which they could exist. This kind of uncertainty makes us wonder whether there are countless “you” and “me” similar to us in the macro scale of the universe, each playing different roles in different parallel universes and experiencing very different lives.

Imagine these parallel universes as a bunch of colourful bubbles, each containing a unique you. In one bubble you may be a world-renowned scientist, while in another you may be a painter who loves art. In some bubbles, you may be enjoying sweet love, while in others you may be experiencing the frustrations and trials of life. Each bubble is a separate world, seemingly within reach of each other, yet out of reach.

When we think about time travel, conventional wisdom always sends us into a vortex of paradox and confusion. However, if we change our perspective and see time travel as a gateway to new parallel universes, then everything becomes clear. Whenever you travel through time, you are not changing the history of the original universe, but opening the door to a whole new universe. In this new universe, you can rewrite your history and explore different possibilities. The original universe, on the other hand, continues to develop according to its trajectory, and the continuity and logical consistency of history is perfectly maintained.

This analogy of time travel is like a different storybook in our hands. Every time you turn a new page, you are not changing the story of the past, but starting a whole new adventure. You can explore, experiment and create to your heart's content without worrying about any impact on the original story. Time travel like this not only gives us a whole new understanding of the universe and time but also fills us with more expectations and longing for life.
