Samsung Tyler “technology party” delayed unveiling, 2nm black technology will be shocking appearance


Samsung's plan to build a wafer fab in Tyler, Texas, is like a chef's carefully cooked food, which was originally intended to be a home-cooked stir-fry but has gradually evolved into a gourmet feast.

At first, Samsung carefully invested $ 17 billion, if into this “dish” to select fresh ingredients. But with the “cooking” process in depth, they found that this dish requires “seasoning” and “ingredients” far more than expected. So, the amount of investment like boiling water continues to accumulate heat, from 17 billion soared to 25 billion, as if the water gradually warmed up, until boiling. In the blink of an eye this year, Samsung seemed to be attracted by the tantalizing aroma of this “food”, and decided to increase the “fire” again, the investment nearly doubled to a staggering 44 billion U.S. dollars. This is no longer a simple home cooking, but a five-star food feast.


Samsung's old fab in Austin, originally only stayed in the 14nm process “cooking class”, but now is ready to use EUV lithography as a “mysterious seasoning” to upgrade it to the 4nm process of the “Michelin restaurant” level. Michelin restaurant” level. But Samsung's “head chef” does not seem to be satisfied, they quietly delayed the order of equipment, as if looking for more precious “ingredients” and “seasoning”. Rumour has it that they are considering further upgrading the process from 4nm to 2nm, like sprinkling some gold leaf on this five-star cuisine to make it even more luxurious and tempting. Such a technological leap will undoubtedly allow Samsung in the global wafer “cooking competition” to stand out, and become a trend-setting “master chef”.


Samsung's purchase order for equipment for the new wafer fab in Tyler is like a careful artist hesitating in front of the canvas, they decided to put down the brush for the time being and wait for another burst of inspiration. This picture of the future of science and technology originally planned to use only 4nm level “paint”, but as the market demand for artificial intelligence (AI) hardware continues to heat up, Samsung realized the need for a finer, more cutting-edge “colours” -2nm process to ensure that their work would stand out against TSMC and Intel.

Samsung's Tyler project is more than just a fab, it's more like a vibrant and innovative technological paradise. In this paradise, there are two sparkling “magic crystal balls” - fab, they will continue to provide energy for the future of the world of science and technology. The R&D factory, which is dedicated to developing and researching the technology generation before the current production node, is like the “wisdom tree” in paradise, which breeds endless technological possibilities.

In addition, there is also a “magic workshop” specializing in the production of 3D high-bandwidth memory and 2.5D packaging, which will provide a strong backing for these “magic crystal balls” and “wisdom trees”. Strong backing. The first fab is expected to be unveiled in 2026 to begin its “magical journey”, while the second fab and R&D factory will also meet the world in the following year - 2027.

This Samsung tech adventure is a real sweaty one! Postponement of equipment purchase orders? I guess Samsung's engineers must have held a “brainstorming session” in private, and are discussing how to make this “upgrade” more interesting and interesting! When they show the day of the 2nm process, the whole technology circle is expected to boil! Everyone has speculated, that this time Samsung is not another out of what black technology, or is hiding what big move not released? Maybe there will be a wave of new electronic products because of this upgrade and “transformation”, becoming more cool.


The “Technology Eco Park” in Tyler has become a large-scale “technology party”. Wafer fabs, R&D factories, advanced packaging facilities ...... all kinds of high-tech equipment and talents gathered together, is simply a feast for the eyes and minds.