Interstellar “Heart” and “Senses”: The Amazing Adventure of Voyager 1


Voyager 1, the lonely messenger soaring in the universe, has embarked on a long journey of more than 24 billion kilometres, like a tireless marathon runner, always determined to move towards the unknown. Its silhouette in the dark canvas of the universe is gradually moving away, as if a meteor that never falls, in the starry sky to draw a magnificent trajectory.


Although the nuclear battery in the body of Voyager 1, which provides power for it, is like an aged warrior whose power is gradually fading, the valuable data it carries is like an eternal treasure, deeply engraved in the long river of human history. Its success is not only a brilliant victory of scientific exploration but also a bright symbol of human wisdom and courage, illuminating our path of exploring the universe. Although the journey of Voyager 1 is lonely, its mission is like a fearless explorer, full of endless courage and determination. It has unveiled the mystery of the universe for us, allowing us to see the vast and boundless interstellar world, and filling us with curiosity and yearning for the unknown.

So, how does this lone messenger of the universe have such a powerful ability to accomplish this seemingly impossible task? There are many high-tech “magic weapons” hidden in its body. Before the launch, a group of top scientists and engineers, like a group of magicians, with their wisdom and hands, the Voyager 1 built a set of sophisticated “magic equipment”. In this set of “equipment”, the most central is the magical three-axis stabilization system. It is like a skilful dancer, gently rotating and jumping in space, always maintaining an elegant posture. It is with the escort of this “dancer” that Voyager 1 can navigate steadily in the ocean of the universe and accurately conduct observation and data collection.


Deep in the heart of Voyager 1, the interstellar explorer beats a kind of extraordinary “source of energy” - radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG). It's like a never-ending magical flame that skillfully transforms the decaying heat of the mysterious element plutonium-238 into an endless supply of electricity. Imagine it as a tiny nuclear power plant, continuously and steadily powering Voyager 1 to venture forth across the interstellar desert. This power source is not only the source of life for Voyager 1, but also a solid backbone for its exploration of the universe. Like a marathon runner who never tires, it ensures that the probe will continue to fly in space for decades, no matter how harsh the conditions and challenges. It is with this power source that Voyager 1 can ride the waves of the vast universe like a fearless ship.

In addition to this powerful “heart”, Voyager 1 also has a series of “sensory organs” - advanced detection instruments. Among them, the high-gain antenna is like its super ear, capable of capturing the faintest sound from the depths of the universe; while the radio and plasma wave antenna is like its magic tentacles, capable of sensing the most subtle fluctuations in the universe. These instruments work together to collect all kinds of signals and data from the universe, revealing the mysteries of the universe for scientists. In addition, Voyager 1 also carries a variety of space exploration instruments, which are like its “eyes” and “hands”, able to observe the planets, satellites, asteroids and other celestial bodies in the solar system to observe the subtle changes. They record every moment in the universe, providing scientists with valuable research information.


Voyager 1 is like an all-powerful interstellar explorer, leaving its footprints in the universe with its powerful power source and advanced detection instruments. Each of its flights is a brave challenge to the unknown world; each of its discoveries is the ultimate display of human wisdom.